
Thank you for visiting Encouraged by God

pastorEncouraged by God is Pastor Olabisi’s blog site whereby she posts encouraging Christian articles, that will encourage, inspire, increase and strengthen your faith in Christ Jesus. Following a Holy Spirit encounter in 2004, Pastor Olabisi became founder and senior pastor of Freedom House International Ministries.

She is also CEO of Divine Grace Enterprises Limited, a Christian publishing company dedicated to Christian book publishing, flyer designs, logos and other kingdom glorifying designs and print work.

Further to her initial deliverance experience in the early part of year 2004. Pastor Olabisi had another stunning ‘open vision’ encounter of heaven and hell in the latter part of year 2004.

Her amazing extended vision of heaven and hell now form the contents of her other popular book entitled Hell on Earth

The combination of her experiences has further strengthened her passion to spread the Good News of Christ’s deliverance powers across the world.

Pastor Olabisi now uses all available communication avenues to spread the Good News of salvation including television, radio, Internet and also through her Holy Spirit-inspired writings. Pastor Olabisi also holds an LLB (hons) degree in law.

You can find out more about the various arms of Pastor Olabisi’s ministries at her personal website.

We hope you will be inspired by Encouraged by God website contents. We pray you will be uplifted and inspired by the Christian articles, Christian Prayers, Christian audio Messages, Christian audio podcast sermons and Christian video messages that you will find on this website.